
I have a twat rocketing ass hat that keeps threatening me to anyone that will listen and even posts it on public feeds.  This person is totally delusional and has never even met or seen me.  The amount of time this nut case has put towards stalking me and creating fake profiles is amazing.   I always wonder how many other people have fallen victim to this bored jobless man looking sperm dumpster.  I wonder if I'm the only one that's ever called her out on her delusions and threats.  Maybe she's just going through menopause and trying to act 15 again (a midlife crisis).  Anyways find a fold and f*** I'm done.   Did my tax money pay to remove the excess skin or are you still a flying squirrel from when you were 300 lb?  Amazing what speed does to your body and mind, kids don't do drugs. 


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