old enough

Crazy thing I've noticed in this county (and possibly others) is the large amount of IHSS and working with disabled people employees there are. What gets me the most is that 'most' of these positions do not mandate or enforce drug testing some even at intial hiring and these positions in my opinion require alot of responsibility, not someone who needs a low paying gig that doesn't drug test- like MANY people I know who have specifically gone for these jobs simply due to enjoying drugs. On top of this, alot of people here abusing the system being on SSI for numerous outlandish reasons and having their relative or friend be their caretaker/IHSS worker.. Living together..splitting rent... It's an insane cycle that perpetuates the next generation of low income poverty stricken leaches that ultimately become the majority...giving the county a bad reputation, in general, based on shit statistics, that are true. Meanwhile the rest of us pursuing a decent job or career in this county have to go in debt with student loans while waiting for someone to retire or die for there to be a job opening.


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